Apollo EnerPOD™
Alternative, non-fossil fuel consuming “Micro Power Plant”

The development of EnerPOD™ focused on creating a means by which independent sourcing of electrical power could be generated with MINIMAL fossil fuel consumption, near-zero pollutants/emissions and be only partially dependent on naturally occurring yet inconsistent energy sources such as sun and wind. This technology needed to be capable of ‘non-power grid’ electrical consumption but would allow for minor charging consumption from the grid if needed and be able to “feed-back” power into the grid when the technology created excess unused power. A proprietary design is complete and patent application ready.

With the inclusion of an inherent solar array (or wind if so chosen) EnerPOD™ becomes 100% independent and is stand-a-lone in its ability to generate and deliver electrical power. (It contains a low-emissions diesel fueled generator to supplant power generation during extended “dark times”: multiple consecutive low-sun days, etc.)

The development of EnerPOD™ focused on creating a means by which independent sourcing of electrical power could be generated with MINIMAL fossil fuel consumption, near-zero pollutants/emissions and be only partially dependent on naturally occurring yet inconsistent energy sources such as sun and wind. This technology needed to be capable of ‘non-power grid’ electrical consumption but would allow for minor charging consumption from the grid if needed and be able to “feed-back” power into the grid when the technology created excess unused power. A proprietary design is complete and patent application ready.

With the inclusion of an inherent solar array (or wind if so chosen) EnerPOD™ becomes 100% independent and is stand-a-lone in its ability to generate and deliver electrical power. (It contains a low-emissions diesel fueled generator to supplant power generation during extended “dark times”: multiple consecutive low-sun days, etc.)

A secondary major benefit of EnerPOD™ … beyond independent power generation… is that through its power generation process, it automatically and concurrently develops three (3) major auxiliary by-product services that would otherwise consume large amounts of power, but that are now delivered at no-cost to the home/facility:

Air Conditioning – Heating – Hot Water.

In essence, EnerPOD™ becomes a “micro power plant” for each home/facility… generating power (electricity), delivering cooling & heating and providing heated water for potable uses such as bathing and cooking.

Beyond residential use, EnerPOD™ can be:

  • implemented by the military,
  • national and/or state emergency services post disasters,
  • dropped into 3rd World villages as needed,
  • Used in any number of Global opportunities
  • It’s Wide Open.

To reiterate, the impetus for developing EnerPOD™ was to focus on and provide an independent means by which electrical power could be generated with VERY LITTLE IF ANY DEPENDENCE ON fossil fuel consumption, yet use fossil fuels when naturally occurring yet inconsistent energy sources such as sun and wind are unavailable.

This technology, “EnerPOD™” could be independent of “power grid” electrical consumption but would allow for “feed-back” of power into the grid when excess power is created.

ALL residential homes, mobile military or humanitarian hospitals, remote outposts and/or 3rd World applications can utilize the EnerPOD™ technology.

With the inclusion of an inherent solar array (or wind if so chosen) EnerPOD™ becomes 100% independent and is stand-a-lone in its ability to generate and deliver electrical power.

A secondary major benefit of EnerPOD™ … beyond independent power generation… is that through its power generation process, it automatically and concurrently develops three major auxiliary by-product services that would otherwise consume large amounts of power, but that are now delivered at no-cost to the home:

Air Conditioning – Heating – Hot Water

These major by-product benefits can be delivered into the home or facility through the existing indoor forced-air furnace or fan-coil unit and hot water heater system… or new ones can be installed… either way will work. The current technology equipment (A/C condensers and fossil fuel-consuming furnaces and hot water heaters) are eliminated from general use.) They can remain in place as stand-by equipment or be completely removed.

In essence, EnerPOD™ becomes a “micro power plant” for each home or facility… generating power (electricity), delivering home cooling & heating and providing heated water for potable uses such as bathing and cooking.

The EnerPOD™ Technology is compact….approximate size is 5’L x 3’W x 3’H and contains all of the core components: chemical vessel, chemical solution, battery array, pumps, coils/heat exchangers, mechanical drive and generator assembly, micro-processor, etc.

EnerPOD™ is placed adjacent to the home or facility much like a small air conditioning unit and is then connected to the electrical service “feed”. Piping connections are available on EnerPOD™ to feed the forced-air unit that will deliver heating and cooling service as well as into the hot water service is so opted.

EnerPOD™ runs at “full demand” continuously under control of an on-board micro-processor and excess “un-used” electricity is routed into the connected utility power grid. Its internal battery array is continuously charged, and excess power can be “shunted” if no power grid is available. Power capacity is rated 5kW up to 10kW based on unit size. A closed-loop system design ensures no atmospheric emissions nor does the system contain volatile (combustive), corrosive or intrinsically dangerous compounds.

The technology requires periodic maintenance, the overall frequency of which is environment-dependent is projected at quarterly annual intervals (once every three months).

See Apollo Power Solutions’ other Unitary Products as well for additional applications such as “HygroPOD™”

“HygroPOD™” & “EnerPOD™” are Trademark Proprietary Properties of Apollo Power Solutions, Inc.



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